Author : sallyadmin

For the Love of Gumbo and an Ode to Roux

Oddly enough, I’m finding myself in the exact same place that I was in March of 2021 regarding a topic for this column. So, with a bit of a cheat, I’m copying the intro from that column and let’s see what random thoughts follow. It will be a surprise for all of us, isn’t that […]

What’s in a Name?

I used to be a wreck about naming livestock and pets that came to live at the farm. Especially the newborn alpacas, if we didn’t have a name in the first 20 minutes then I became an idiot about it. The idea of an unnamed animal was just unacceptable. Ridiculous, right? I kept a running […]

The Choice of Happiness

You know how the universe has a way of putting things and ideas and people in your path to shine a light on an area you might want to put some awareness on? Recently for me it’s been about our ability to choose happiness. It seems wherever I look lately, there’s another reminder, front and […]

Fire in the Hole!

We’ve had an alpaca farm for over 18 years and 4 locations now, and not since 2007 have we had water at our barn. Up on Black Mountain we had a creek-fed trough quite a ways away and across some rough terrain from the barn. (Who am I kidding, that entire property was rough terrain […]

17 Unrelated Paragraphs

Normally when my turn rolls around for this column I have an idea for a topic well ahead of time. I only have to write every third month, so really, how hard could it be, right? In fact, often I’ll wake up on any given morning and the entire essay pops right into my head […]

The Real Story on Farmhouse Decor

December 1, 2020 The nature of my business takes me into people’s homes on a daily basis, not just up here in the foothills but also down the hill in the thick of the suburbs. In addition, I enjoy looking at sites and magazines for the current trends in “farmhouse décor.” So, on a regular […]

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