Author : sallyadmin

The Muck Stops Here

August 3, 2020 I like to celebrate things. Birthdays, holidays, events, a productive day, a lazy day, Tuesday. And sometimes I like to celebrate with a little present – you know, a treat. Such was the case at the end of July when I’d had a particularly fruitful work week. My husband and I were […]

A Little Sick Humor Literally

April 1, 2020 In a brief change from my usual Adventures in Farming approach to this column, I, too, will be jumping on the health information bandwagon. Because, really, we haven’t seen enough articles and received enough emails on the subject, have we? First, in these challenging and downright freaky strange times we are in, […]

If the boot fits, a life in shoes

August 1, 2019 This veers off my normal Adventures in Farming topics, but as I recently had to move my mom from one nursing home to a new one, I’ve been thinking a lot about shoes lately. Ok, truth be known, I think a lot about shoes on a regular basis, really, who doesn’t? I’ve […]

It’s Not Always Bucolic

January 3, 2019 You’ve pictured it: Gentle, fuzzy alpacas grazing in a green pasture, those big eyes welcoming you as you stroll out for a visit, maybe even a slow motion running to greet you. Or perhaps you’re spending a warm afternoon under a tree, reading a book, as they sit nearby humming happily. Ahhhh, […]

Adventures in Farming: Stalking the Wild Ruby

April 16, 2018 To give a little background, when this took place our alpaca farm was located at 9600’ on 40 acres of supremely vertical property. The views and spring snows were abundant, the oxygen not so much. One of our livestock guardian dogs, an amazing Anatolian Shepherd girl named Ruby Begonia, had discovered during […]

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